Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chapter 3 Notes

Self-esteem "is the part of the self-concept that involves evaluations of self-worth." (70)

Reflected appraisal: the concept that much of our idea of self-worth comes from the stated or implied opinions from others (72)

Significant other: a term to name a person "whose evaluations are especially influential." (72)

Social comparison: "evaluating ourselves in terms of how we compare with others" and those others against whom we compare ourselves, whether negatively or positively, are called reference groups (73)


Subjective (74-76)
--can be based on old information 
--based on skewed feedback 
--based on ignoring negative aspects 
--"uglies" mentality
--past failures
--societal expectations paradox: we're expected to be "perfect" in some areas but to not                      publicize our successes but rather our failures.
Flexible (76)
Resists Change (76-77)
 --cognitive conservatism: the "tendency to seek information that conforms to an existing self-concept" (77)
--four requirements for accepting an appraisal (77)

self-fulfilling prophecy: "when a person's expectations of an event, and her or his subsequent behavior based on those expectations, make the outcome more likely to occur than would otherwise have been true." (78)

two types of self-fulfilling prophecies
--others' expectations govern another's actions (79)


perceived self versus presented self-who you really are versus what you show in public (80)

face and facework: our public identity and the "nonverbal ways in which we act to maintain our own presenting image" (81)

Impression management:(82-84)

Self-disclosure: (87-88)
-self is subject
-is intentional
-is to another person
-less available information
-context of sharing

Social Penetration Model (breadth and depth) 89

Johari Window Model (I know/they know, etc.) 91

Benefits of Self-Disclosure 92-93)
-impression formation
-relationship maintenance
-moral obligation
Risks (94-96)
-negative impression
-decrease in relational satisfaction
-loss of influence
-loss of control
-hurting the other person

          benevolent lies (98)

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